Selima Hill - The Blessed Virgin Mary of My Dreams

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Selima Hill - The Blessed Virgin Mary of My Dreams


My mother said don’t do it but I did it:
every night I danced with a barbel and
everything he said made perfect sense.

Selima Hill received a Cholmondeley Award in 1986 and first prize in the Arvon International Poetry Competition with part of The Accumulation of Small Acts of Kindness, one of several extended sequences in Gloria: Selected Poems (Bloodaxe Books, 2008). Gloria, Violet (1997) was a Poetry Book Society Choice and was shortlisted for the Forward Prize, T.S. Eliot Prize and Whitbread Poetry Award, while Bunny (2001) won the Whitbread Poetry Award and was also shortlisted for the T.S. Eliot Prize. Selima is a winner of the King’s Gold Medal (2022). She grew up in a family of painters in farms in England and Wales and has lived in Dorset for the past 40 years.

The Blessed Virgin Mary of My Dreams is Selima’s third title with Guillemot Press, following 2023’s Dancing Lessons for the Very Shy and 2024’s The Lonely Slug. Featuring artwork by Moby Hill.

ISBN 978-1-913749-67-5 / 156 pages / 175 × 120mm / made with Wibalin Stria Plum, Colorplan Hot Pink and Arena papers.
Illustrated Bookling

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